The days just keep flying by and my baby boy just keeps growing and growing.......
At his 2 month appointment 3 weeks ago he weighed 11pounds, 11 ounces (50th percentile), and was 24 inches long (75th percentile). He is in the 25th percentile for head circumference. My Mom says he has the Clapp acorn head! I think he has flown past 12 pounds and just gets bigger all the time.
He is such a smiley face now. He is very generous with his big toothy grin and has charmed everyone from his great Grannie B to his babysitter with it. It is amazing to watch him react to things. He loves to play with the toys hanging from his mobile and will even smile and reach for our dogs if they get in his line of vision.
He is sleeping 6-7 hours a night. YES!!!! If he can do it for about 5 more days I am going to move him to his big boy crib and see if we can transition to it. I cannot believe it has almost been 3 months since I first met my sweet baby. I feel like I am going to blink and having a little boy and not a baby.
Going back to work has been very hard. I still have days when I cry after dropping him off. Fortunately, I have the BEST babysitters in the world and they love Isaac. That makes all the difference. They enjoy their time with him. I think they view it more as fun and less as a job, which is better for everyone!
(my apologies to any men who may be made uncomfortable.) I am breastfeeding. Before I had Isaac I told people that my biggest fears were the epidural and breastfeeding. Well, the epidural was FANTASTIC and I had no idea how wonderful breastfeeding would be. It just seemed weird and foreign to me. I decided I would try to do it until I went back to work. Now my goal is to do it for a year. God blessed me with a baby who is a good eater and I have a very abundant supply. The last week has been hard. Isaac went on a "nursing strike" where he didn't want me, he just wanted to the bottle. My milk supply started to wane a little and it hurt my feelings! It made me so sad that he would cry and push away from me. After calling a lactation nurse who suggested ways to help. I had a breaking point, and it happened to be my breatspump! My friend had given me a breastpump and I was the 7th person to use it. And it was in the process of breaking causing it to lose suction and decrease my milk supply. So I used what was left of my Target gift cards and bought myself a $300 breast pump. So I need to have at least 5 more babies to apy for it. :) I never thought that I would fight so hard to keep breastfeeding. I enjoy it so much and God is so good to provide for us and give us a bond in breastfeeding. What a great thing to be a mammal mommy!
I am continually asked about Gurt, the child that we are adopting. Are we still doing it? Where are we in the process? Etc.? Well, to answer the questions, we ARE DEFINITELY STILL ADOPTING. But we are on hold for now and I don't know how long we will be on hold. That is a big matter of prayer. We do not feel that God has released us from the call to adopt, but we feel that for now we need to focus on Isaac. He is such a precious gift from God and we don't want to make him share attention yet. Also, there are some considerations that weren't there before Isaac came. And honestly, it is a lot of work and daycare for two would be WAY expensive. We just want to be smart and fair to all our children and more than anything, we want God to lead us to Gurt and right now we feel that God is telling us to be still and wait. So please continue to pray for Gurt and that we will be sensitive to God when He tells us to move.
My little blessing is calling! I must be off to shower him with kisses.
I am more blessed than I can possibly tell you.