Friday, May 13, 2011

100th Blog!

Yet again- The Quick and Dirty List Update

1) The Graduate- Ry's baby sister, Hilary, who was a spit-fire 5-year-old when I met her 13 years ago, is graduating. Hilary is a hard worker, is insanely beautiful, is smart, and is pretty in her heart more than anything. School hasn't always came easily for her but she has persevered. She is college bound and is capable of anything, if you ask me. I hope she uses these next years well. They are some of the most care free and fun, and they only last about 10 minutes. Congrats Hil, my sister. I love you and I am PROUD of the woman you are and I am excited to see where you go.

2) Hope- My sweet baby girl is 7 months old today. For a month she has been sitting up on her own. She loves her big brother, eating any and everything, and pulling hair. She is a serious snuggle bug, and is finally a good sleeper. She still doesn't have much hair on her head but luckily her back hair seems to have decreased. She is tiny like Isaac, not quite 14 pounds yet. She also has my little feet, she is still in a size 1 and they are big! She is 7 months old wearing 0-3 month shoes. She can wear 3&6 month clothing in the waist but needs 9 month pjs for her toes not to be squished into the footies. She is a dainty little thing. I was made to have a daughter. God uses her to remind me of how much He loves me. Time has flown so quickly, but I can't seem to remember life without her in it.

3) Igick- This is how Isaac says his name. Igick. It's so funny! I know I'm his mom. I know it's probably normal. But his vocabulary amazes me! I know I look at him through mommy goggles but I think it is incredible how much he says and comprehends. We just put him in his big boy toddler bed and he has done great! He stays in and has only fallen out once. I did catch him putting animals in his bed and turning on the tv during nap the other day- nothing a little "attitude adjustment" on his hiney didn't fix. He is also really into his bible or "Jesus Book" as he calls it. We read it every night before bed. He likes to read stories with animals or a mean guy. I love his hunger to hear stories and I love that I get to share it with him. May this love stay with him all his life!

4) A year in a nutshell- next week marks a year since I finished my job in Edmond and officially moved to Owasso. I got a new job, had a baby, sold a house after a crazy long wait, cried a lot, laughed a lot, had some HARD financial blows, but I'm still standing, because God was holding me up. I was reading Isaac the story about Elijah, the widow, and the oil and flour. It reminded me of what I have known all along: God is always faithful to provide when you are obedient. I am home, finally. 

5) Branson - We took a long weekend and went to Branson with my parents and brother. We stayed in a resort with a waterpark, went to SDC, saw an amazing pets show, ate ate ate, played mini golf, outlet mall shopped, and fed sharks & stingrays. It was a great little short trip. We had a wonderful time. I feel so blessed that my kids have taken trips with both sets of grandparents in less than 6 months. I never did that! 

6) High School Daze- Holy cow, I'm old. In 2 weeks I celebrate the 10 year anniversary of my high school graduation. Wow. That was quick. I am still sorting out my feelings. I haven't seen most of these people in years. We were in a small school and spent so many years together. I know I am not the person I was 10 years ago. I sincerely hope they have all found God and happiness and peace. I'm interested in the conversations that will happen. Looking forward to hugging & remembering with these long lost pals!

7) Summer- I have one week of work left until my summer break. Ryland will be gone most of June and I am babysitting for my friend's daughter 2 days a week in July and August. Looking forward to some pool time, lazy days, and not having to bear the heat in a pregnant body. Last summer dragged/flew by. I had so much on my mind that I didn't enjoy a lot of it. I am going to enjoy the normalcy & predictability of this summer. Can't wait!

8) Easter- My amazing husband had a custom projector screen built, made an amazing video, and lead our church in beautiful worship. You should check out our video at

9) Goals before 30- I am saying them out loud. Well, I'm typing them out loud. This is scary. This is putting it out there where people will be able to see if I fail. Here goes nothing: before I turn 30, in 17 months, I want to run in and complete a 5k, and I want to be debt free. I haven't competed in any athletic anything since high school. I am not an athlete and frankly I hate running. This is a challenge for me. If I can find discipline in putting feet to pavement I think I can find the will power to do a lot of things. And debt free-ness, Ryland and I have been working since we got married to get here. We are paying off my student loans & Hope's birth next week. That ONLY leaves our car payment. Our goal is to pay it off & pay cash for any subsequent vehicles. My hardcore runner buddies & already debt free pals may think these are small potatoes, but I really want to try. We'll see. I'll let you know.

10) Temporarily Deaf- It started with my brats getting the flu the week of and after Easter. Then Ryland and I both started getting sick. We were snotty, we lost our voices, and were just cruddy in general. My sinuses plugged up so much that one of my ears plugged up and is still messed up. I have had a steroid shot & am finishing a round of antibiotics. I am waiting to finish the antibiotics before I go back to the doctor. My state high risk insurance is crappy at best and it is about $200 just to see a doctor. I can't hear out of my right ear and haven't been able to for 2 weeks and it is driving me crazy! Anyone know of any good home remedies? Don't say ear candles!

11) Baby Food Mama- I am the opposite of a crunchy mom. I always thought of making your own baby food as a crunchy mom thing. I have reconsidered.My friends Tonya & Erin have inspired me to make Hope's baby food. I decided to try for 2 reasons: 1) It sounded (and is!) really easy & quick. 2) It is crazy cheap! There is a great website that has recipes and directions. And my grandma bought me a fun new blender to use for purée-ing. I cook it (bake or boil) throw it in the blender, freeze it in ice trays, and defrost as needed. I am feeding Hope non-processed, organic baby food for a fraction of the cost of jars. If I can do it, ANYONE can. Seriously.

12) Bestie Babies- My two lifelong bestiest besties are due to have baby boys in June. One is having her first. One has an older daughter and is having this baby following a miscarriage and an insanely horrible year. I love these two like sisters and I can't wait to hold their baby boys, and have play dates, and sniff their newborn baby heads. This June may be the only thing that could derail my 5K dreams- baby fever could strike hard! I am praying safe deliveries and boatloads of blessings on my 2 pals. Can wait to meet to their cute little men!

13) Superstition, BIG 100! - Since today is Friday the 13th AND My 100th BLOG, I am going to celebrate by telling you, my friends, thanks for the prayers, the love, and the support over these years and trials. I don't plan on going anywhere. God is good and I plan to keep on talking about it here. Thanks for reading and being part of my bloggy family. 

Love you all!
