This is the book we've been reading at bedtime lately. Isaac almost has it memorized. I think he has good taste in literature.
Because this was one of my favorites when I was close to his age. This was my book. My mom is not much of a sentimental hoarder. But she kept a set of books from a Dr. Seuss book club that she enrolled me in when I was a wee toddler. And now I get to share them with Isaac. I love that she wrote dates in some of the books. And I love that I have a little book lover in the making.
Another book in our rotation is this one:
I distinctly remember reading it in Mrs. Littleton's first grade class. And here I am reading it to my kids. Isaac has this one memorized. We own it in both hardback and board book editions. Isaac has the hard back in his room for bedtime use, and Hope chases us around with the board book, hopping in our laps at every opportunity so that she can point out the animals on each page and make the sounds. Isaac sometimes will "read" it to Hope, which melts my heart.
There is a page where the text reads: "Children, children, what do you see?"
Isaac "reads" it this way, "Chrildren, chrildren, what do YOU see?"
It's stinkin adorable.
My teacher heart hopes and prays that I am raising literature lovers. My mommy heart is so so SO grateful that I had a mother and great teachers who valued literacy and provided opportunities for me to enjoy books and reading. It truly is a life long love of mine, and I hope it will be for my kiddos too.