Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Beautiful Boy

Isaac in his blankie basket.
Asleep in Daddy's guitar case.

Listening to a lullably.
Getting mad.

Wide eyed.

Under his name in the nursery.

Bentley can't be left out.

Sleepy face.

Look alikes.

His favorite snuggle spot.

Our happy family.

Talking to momma.

How blessed we are.

I cannot believe it has almost been three weeks since I first held my sweet Isaac. I was told that time would fly as soon as he got here and that is so right. He is getting big so fast, eating well, sleeping decently well. I have never wanted to freeze time so badly before. I live in fear of March 25 and going back to work. I left Isaac with Ryland for 2 hours the other day and thought my heart was going to break. I love him so much. My Aunt Glenda described it as watching a piece of your heart parade around outside of your body. I am trying to savor every sweet moment that I can while he is little. We had our wonderful Ashley Ofosu come and take Isaac's pictures last Friday. Enjoy them and continue to keep us in your prayers.


Also Congratulations to two other new mommies of sweet boys - September Wade with her son Jonas and Jessica Marshall with Jason.


Cheryl said...

He is adorable!! Congrats again.

Jessica said...

Thanks Mindy! Your pics are beautiful! Isn't this the most amazing feeling in the world!? I don't think there are words that can truly describe the feeling. I am still praying for you guys...