Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Super Summer Indeed

I am sitting in Marshall, Texas on a college campus in a four bedroom shoe-box apartment listening to Pandora radio. I am munching on a pop-tart and I have just put Isaac to sleep for the night. It is 9:27 PM. The last time I was on a college campus at 9:27 PM my night would have been just beginning, on the best of nights it would have included good friends, a walk on campus, a little studying and probably a trip to IHOP. Life has come full circle in four years......

Ryland is leading worship for a session of Super Summer Texas. This is a dream come true for him. And I am so proud that me and Isaac got to witness it. I started crying during worship tonight. Ryland was doing his song "A Thousand Singing". (It's Amazing! Buy it on I-TUNES! - SHAMELESS PLUG!!!) I looked at the little man in the stroller and the big man on stage and I was just overcome with how generous God is. Ryland is so talented and more than that, his heart is in it for all the right reasons. He genuinely desires to worship God and to help others do the same. Good singer/musicians that seek their own glory and a paycheck are a dime a dozen, I know a few too many of those unfortunately. Ry, you are fantastic and I am so proud of you- but mostly proud of the heart inside you. I can't wait to see what other adventures that God has for you. I am so glad that I get to do life with you, my best friend.

We took Isaac to the doctor for his 4 month check-up last week. I cannot believe that we have had this sweet boy for 4 months already. Time flies. He is 25 and 1/2 inches long (75-90%) , He weighs 14.7lbs. (just under the 50% mark), and his head circumference is in the 90% range. The doctor said his brains must be growing a lot. :) He got shots which always hurts me to watch. And we got the green light to start him on rice cereal. He sleeps a 10-12 hour stretch through the night starting at about 9 Pm. He has also learned to roll from his tummy to his back, and uses his exersaucer to practice for the day when he will walk. He babbles a lot, we talk all the time. And EVERYTHING goes in his mouth. He is happy, full of laughs and smiles and absolutely charms me. I know all Mommas arfe probably enchanted by their children but I just look at him and melt. He is the most special thing I have ever laid eyes on, this side of heaven. I just wonder what God has planned for him. I pray that I get many years to watch and be a part of his life.

Our pastor spoke recently about using your gift to share the gift of salvation with others. I don't really know what my "gift" is, but he mentioned blogging specifically. I don't know who is out there in the world that reads my blog. I don't think that I write anything that is too terribly interesting that would make anyone outside of my friends and family take notice, but on the chance that there is, I just want to throw this out to the universe: There is a God, the one and only. He sent his son, Jesus into the world. Jesus was perfect. He never gossiped, or got snippy with his spouse. He never lied, cheated, stole or hurt anyone. He was without sin. He came to be a servant and to bring love. He died in the most heinous way imagineable. He did it because he loves me. He loves you too and wants to know you. He paid for every bad thing that you and I have ever done and will ever do. If you are interested in knowing the creator of the universe, please respond to this blog. I'd love to share with you. I am not crazy. I won't come to your house and make you wear a robe and shave your head and throw away your beer. I just want you to know and share in the best thing that has ever happened to me. I want to share the secret to eternal life with you. Interested???

On the topic of salvation, I have never quite thought about it as much as I have since Isaac was born. Obviously, it is the most important thing in this life, but it is the one thing that no matter what I do, or say, or buy, I cannot provide that for Isaac. But of all the things the world has to offer, it is the thing that I desire most for him. I pray all the time that even now, God shows himself to Isaac and whispers a call into his ears. While I was pregnant my Dad even made the point that Isaac can choose never to believe, never to follow. I can't even imagine the heartbreak that would overcome a parent that has to deal with an unbelieving child at any age. I pray that I never have to know how that feels, but my heart goes out to anyone out there dealing with this. Salvation is a precious gift, bought with a great price.

Good night with love from Texas. God is good and just keeps getting better. All my love,

Mindy :)


Anonymous said...

I have only met you a handful of times, 5 years ago when I was a freshman at UCO living in West Hall - but even then, you and Ryland were so inspiring.
God does work in mysterious ways. I stumbled upon your Facebook page while browsing through old friends and thought I would take a peek. I followed th link to your blog and spent the rest of the night in tears. At this time in my life, my husband and I had just found out we were expecting and I was very angry with God. Why would he put me through this right now? Why would he give me this burden? As I read through your blog and your struggles to have a child of your own, I learned to appreciate the miracle that was growing inside of me. I have followed your blog ever since and I even anxiously awaited your son with you, praying for his safe delivery.
I have always known God, but I had lost my close relationship with him and I forgot how comforting He can be and always is when I need him. Your blog helped me remember and now I look at my daughter everyday and am reminded that He works in mysterious ways. She is our blessing and God has trusted us with her care - to raise her as His child.
Thank you for helping me remember. Thank you for reminding me to be grateful. Most of all, thank you for your blog - I still check it regularly for updates and it helps me get through one more day.
God has big plans for your family and you are living it daily. If no one else responds to your post, please know that you have helped me though what I thought was going to be a rough year.

Anonymous said...


My name is Brooke and I live in Duncan, Ok. I have been a patient of Dr. K's since 2006 when my doctor here sent us to Okc because there was nothing else he could do to help us. We went through all the standard testing when finally the only answer was IVF. After alot of thought and prayer we decided to adopt insead. In 2007 we sent in an application to adopt from Vietnam. It took us 1 year to gather paperwork for our dossier. Then our dossier set in Vietnam for 8 months. We were the next family awaiting a referral when Vietnam closed their doors in Sept 08. During the 2 year span I actually became pregnant twice. When Dr Kallenberger did the sonograms both times there was no heartbeat. During my second miscarriage, which was this time last year I know God led me to your blog. I was searching Dr K and the Bennett Fertility Inst when thinking again about IVF and your blog appeared. After seeing what you had gone through and even deciding to adopt I felt like you knew what I was going through. I even have a dog named Bentley, but hes a 4 lb chiuauhah (lol I know I didn't spell that right) I've been a Christian since I was 5 and we attend Bethel Church here in Duncan. I have loved God my entire life and sometimes didn't understand why I was going through this. After our adoption fell through in Vietnam, after we had worked so hard, even had the furniture, a shower with lots of toys and cloths, and my husband Russell had worked on her room and it looked so good. We were devistated. Thank goodness for Dr K and his wonderful nurses. I love them with all my heart. I'm so glad that God sent us to them. Well, we finally decided that we would try IVF. We went to the Ivf class in Feb of this year and decided we'd probably start the process around May or June. Well, in April we found out we were pregnant for the 3rd time. We have had 3 ultrasounds and we saw a heartbeat this time. I am so scared and have been looking at your blog everyday to try and see how your pregnancy went. About 2 weeks ago I began spotting so I called them and Nancy told me to come on up. Dr K did an ultrasound And the baby still looked fine, still saw a heartbeart. I'm trying so hard to fight this fear of miscarrying and I just want you to know how much you have helped me and you didnt even know:) My next appt is Monday and I should be 12 weeks then. This last week I had two really good days with no morning sickness which scared me so bad. But I'm praying that when we go back on Mon everything will be okay. If you and your husband would keep us in your prayers we would really appreciate it. Your baby Isaac is so adorable and I'm so excited for yall. I'm so sorry I've talked your leg off, but I just needed to tell you Thank You for your blog. It was a God sent for me!!! -Brooke Morris-

Leah J. said...

I came across your blog while "blog hopping". What a great title :) What a great story! Thank you for sharing!