Act 1- Ponderings, Resolutions, and Lessons Learned
First, Apologies for my absence. I have truly missed the blog world. I am a full time working momma. Leaving my son all day to pay bills truly hurts my heart and the last thing I want to do when I come home is to not pay attention to him. I don't feel like there are enough hours in a day for me to love on him the way I want to. I have prayed for an opportunity to be able to be home more because as I look back on his first year, my only regret is that work has made me miss so many little things. But surely you will forgive me for choosing that relationship over my blog.
Speaking of my beautiful Isaac, he has grown so much since last August. He has six teeth that he got at about 10 1/2 months, he cruises furniture but has no desire to walk yet, I weaned him at 12 months and a week (I reached my goal!!!), he has a huge vocabulary and just learned the word "yellow", he loves Sesame Street, baths, dogs, playing ball, and eating any and everything, he hates sippy cups, carrots, and when other kids cry. He is amazing. I still can't look at him without seeing the absolute miracle that he is.
He turned 1 on February 3. We celebrated with 2 monkey birthday parties. We only invited family because if we invited friends too then we would have to book and arena! We were blessed to celebrate such an amazing milestone. Ryland and I celebrated by watching Isaac's birth video. I still cannot believe that my son is the same tiny baby we first brought home. We have learned so much about giving God control, trusting him to provide help, and leading us to people and situations that will take care of all our needs. We've also learned the finer points of removing poop and vomit stains from just about anything, juggling tough babysitting issues, and how to pray, pray, pray, over the mundane and the serious, it all matters.
Again, the name of my blog has proven so true in my life. For instance, let me tell you about Isaac's first Christmas. As a parent you tend to romanticize all of these "firsts". We had planned to spend a little bit of time with all grandparents and great grands over the Christmas holiday. But then the blizzard of 09 happened and crippled Oklahoma under two feet of snow. We had a picture perfect Christmas morning. We spent the night at Ryland's sister's house, snowed in with his parents and siblings. We had a wonderful time. Isaac's first Christmas morning was spent opening gifts with his cousins, he loved it. I will never forget him in his santa pj's, sitting amongst packages that towered over him. But alas, the day went south from there. We waited until early afternoon before we (STUPIDLY) attempted to drive to Barnsdall to spend time with my family. After 6 hours on the turnpike and only making it to Sapulpa, we gave up and spent the night in a Super 8. To make matters worse, Ryland left in search of our Christmas dinner because we hadn't eaten all day. He returned with a flaming hot beef burrito called "the Bomb". When I started crying so hard that I couldn't talk he left to find something more suitable, like a frozen microwave pizza. We will never do that again. We will accept defeat and go home where I could have at least had left overs for Christmas dinner.
I am not a fan of New Year's resolutions. I never have been. I think it is stupid to make promises to do things like lose weight or whatever. You should be doing these things anyways because we should be good stewards of all the things God gives us, including our bodies. But I stumbled across . This is not a typical NYR site. This is a challenge to take a word where you feel you are weak and make it a goal to improve who you are in Christ. My word for the year is "HOPE". I can get so tethered in fear and worry that I can't see thing for what they are. I am choosing this year to put my hope in the plans that God has for me and my family. Knowing that all things are working for my good, there is no need to fear the unknown because I am in God's hands.
It's nice to be back. I am on spring break this week, so hopefully Acts 2 & 3 will come soon. Depending on how long my first priority naps.
Love and Blessings!
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