Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Reverend Russell

*Post Script* This blog has been sitting in my box, waiting, since June 30. I have tried to upload a video of our dads no less than 5 times. So I quit. Here is the blog. Hope you enjoy.

Last Sunday night I experienced one of my proudest moments as a wife ever. My sweet husband, Ryland, was licenced and ordained into the ministry. Basically this means, on paper, that my hubby can legally perform weddings and is recognized differently according to tax purposes. But, in his heart it means something completely different. Ry has started his own blog (how cute is that?) and I thought I'd let him share in his own words. Here is a link.

Maybe I've shared this before but my hubs is a worship leader. Not a "my band can't make it at the moment so this gives me a paycheck guy" or a "I play in a bar on Saturday night and play in a church on Sunday guy" or even a "I write songs with ambiguous lyrics that are spiritual but don't directly reference God so they can be more mainstream guy". He is a guy whose heart and purpose is to use his voice, his songwriting, and his instruments, to give God glory and lead others into a worship experience with God. Let me be clear before I continue and get hateful e-mails. If those people truly have a heart in ministering to people then I am thankful beyond belief that they are out there in places that make me uncomfortable. (I am pretty positive that I am going to be in trouble with Ry for saying most of this stuff anyways.) But if the motivation is solely a paycheck, notoriety, or even an ego trip- then that is sad. God does NOT give musical talent to everyone. The least you can do is give it back to Him. (Stepping off soapbox- where did that come from? Pregnancy hormones, perhaps? I guess the apology e-mails will start soon)

Back to what I wanted to say before I detoured in crazy town: I am so proud of Ryland. I am so proud that he is unapologetically using all that he has for the glory of God. I am proud that he chose to share his life with a crazy, ranting, pregnant woman. I am proud that Hope and Isaac will be exposed to such a great example of obedience to God.

Ry was ordained at our new home church, CBC. We shared the evening with our church family, all of our grandparents, our parents, some dear friends, a few aunts, uncles, and cousins, and Ry's sister and her family. In a Baptist church it is a tradition for a member of the ordaining council to (WARNING: churchy term) preach a "charge" to the person being ordained. This is a fancy way of giving a challenge and good advice to the person who is entering the ministry. There were 2 people who preached Ryland's charge: My father, and his father. I can't recapture in words the precious things that we will treasure in our hearts so I am posting the videos here. (TRIED AND FAILED, SORRY. This is where they would have been.) I know that you will find them as inspiring and encouraging as we did. We are blessed with two very special Daddies.

More than anything, I am certain that Ry is doing exactly what God has called him to do. Does that mean that it will always be easy? No. Does that mean everyone will always like him/us? No. Does that mean that we will have the perfect marriage and raise perfect kids and never have financial troubles or make bad decisions? I wish, but no. All I know is that this ordination means that we have made a commitment to do our best to follow God's call on our lives to the best of our ability. That is a good place to be. It's the only place I wanna be.

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