Cancer, Quitting, and Other Ponderings - Another Group of Randoms
One of my favorite things is my last "walk through" of my house before I go to bed. I go in my kids rooms to check on them and say one last little prayer before turning in. Seeing them in such a peaceful state, making their sweet little sleep noises, comforts me.
Sometimes I wish I could have another "secret" blog just simply to write about family/work/church/friend/job/whatever stuff that annoys me. You know, the kind of stuff you are feeling when you make a cryptic facebook status update and no one knows what you really mean?Then I could anonymously vent and feel better. I also wish i had a bunch of readers who would take my side and validate all the injustices I experience in the comments: "That is so unfair." "How rude!" "I can't believe that they were so inconsiderate!" My fictional readers would always have my back. (My grannie always said I was dramatic!) Or I could try and be more Christlike and get over stuff. The secret blog idea is probably much easier than the Christlikeness. What's a girl to do?I'm sure I NEVER annoy any of my previously mentioned groups. Ha!
My stinking dogs have fleas and after 3 rounds of flea meds, the little suckers still WON'T DIE! I'm going crazy, help!
I am having the hardest time losing my "Hope" weight. I have 10 pounds that won't budge. I have been training to run a 5k, trying to eat right and it's not moving. It is discouraging. My metabolism is not what it used to be. RIP pre-baby body.
I am one of the 5 people that did not keep up with the Casey Anthony trial. In the court of public opinion she is guilty but she was found not guilty in court. (Major Jesus juking ahead...) I don't know if she did it. I am not her judge & jury & God is the only one who does know. I am sickened that people will get up in arms over this but give no thought to the MILLIONS of women who have now murdered an entire generation of unborn children. It is tragic that any child should die at the hands of a mother who's duty is to protect. I pray the the scales will fall off of the eyes of so many who are deceived by the lie of sex without consequence.
There is only one barbecue sauce: HEAD COUNTRY. All others are posers.
Facebook drama is so dumb. If you are mad at your kid talk to them. I don't need to know your business. But those of you who are certifiably crazy, keep on posting. Your neuroses and paranoia are entertaining!
My uncle has cancer. My heart is broken and the hurt echoes through the people I love. I can't put it into words adequately. But my cousin, Haley, has done a beautiful job. Visit her blog at . Please keep my family in your prayers, this is the fourth time my family has faced cancer. We will do it as we always have: believing that God is good, he has a plan for all our days, and that healing will always come- not always the way we want- but it will happen.
My girl is 9 months old today. She laughs, says "Ma Ma and Da Da" and has started crawling and feeding herself, she has growth two little "puppy" teeth this month. She is a delight and I am so thrilled that God gave her to me. I am thrilled/heartbroken at the progress she is making. I can't wait to see who she becomes.
(Men beware) Speaking of Hope, I am going to be weaning sooner than I want to. I am only producing enough milk for about 2 feedings a day. This makes me sad. I was able to nurse Isaac for a year. I love that precious time with her. I wish it could have lasted longer and I'm not sure why it's so different this time. It's frustrating when I've committed myself so much to doing it. But fortunately I have enough of a stockpile frozen that hopefully when I do bite the bullet that I'll be able to supplement with breastmilk.
My big boy gets smarter all the time, he loves to sing, tell his colors, and quiz me on things. For example: "Momma, what's a duck say?" I answer with: "I don't know, Isaac. What does a duck say?" And then he'll proudly quack. He knows so many animal noises: sloths, Pygmy marmosets, tapirs, gorillas, and all the common ones too- thanks Diego. He makes me laugh. I love his curious heart- he wants to know all the answers. I hope I point him to the only one who has them all.
God is good. That's the best thing.