Monday, July 25, 2011

Project McChubbin

Project McChubbin

I took Hope to the doctor last week for her (tear...) nine month well baby visit.

Hope has been very healthy besides having a few colds and one ear infection. Isaac had 6ish ear infections and got tubes and her age. Needless to say, I had no worries in regards to her health.

Her height and head circumference were in the 55th and 50th percentiles, respectively. But the doctor was concerned about her weight. She only weighs 14lbs and 15oz. For her age she has literally fallen off the chart. My doctor suggested more formula and more protein rich food.

So immediately the mommy guilt crashes down on me. I worry. I feel like I've given her too many veggies, not enough meat, kept her on my waning supply of breastmilk when she needed formula. Then I look at Isaac, who in my opinion, eats a ton, but you can count all of his ribs. What is she going to say about him next time I go in?

I try to do well in feeding my kids. Isaac eats tons of fruit: blueberries, strawberries, bananas, oranges, applesauce. He loves yogurt, cheese, and peanut butter sandwiches. I try to get him to drink at least 24 oz of whole milk a day, and he even indulges on some high calorie items like pizza and burritos. But he's tiny- just like Hope.

So suffice it to say- I have no idea what I'm doing and if it's wrong or right. I sat at the table with Isaac and prayed that God would give me wisdom and would make my kids adventurous eaters. That he would help me to fatten up my little bean poles in a project that I have codenamed "McChubbin". And as I said "Amen" Isaac looked at my plate and said, "Momma, I bite?" with is his way of asking for a bite. He had never tried what I was eating. God gave me a little glimpse of how much He cares even about the smallest things.

So I am putting my little shrimps in God's hands as I try to do the best I can for them, in their diets as well as on every area of their lives.

And I will say it again: I don't know how I got so lucky. God gave me the most incredible kids in the world, even if they are a little bit scrawny.


Fred said...
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Fred said...

I love that you worry so much over all the details of my sweet Grand Chile's. Remember that their Daddy was a poster boy for famine in third world counties when he was little so none of this surprises me at all. god only wants us to do our best for our children. That's not a standard you can find much detail on in a recipe book. Kid's just need a ton of calories at such a young age and Isaac and Hope are growing tons right now so.. load them up. Remember they usually won't eat if they aren't hungry anyway. Your doing great! Love you sweetie! Keep up the great momma work!