Monday, August 22, 2011

Magic Moments

Magic Moments

My kids are amazing. Not to say that all kids aren't amazing, because they are. God blessed all humans with such an amazing capacity to learn and develop! Just think, we are born only with reflexes, we are immobile, helpless, unable to communicate, basically blind, and completely dependent on others. But then miraculously, we grow, we get bigger, our fingers begin to grasp, our mind absorbs the world, objects become words, thoughts; everything has a name. Then we learn to have conversations- we express our thoughts in an exchange with another. We learn to love, help, share.

I gush simply to say that my kids are learning life so rapidly and it is my joy to watch them do it.

Hope is 10 months old. She says "momma" and "da da". She is crawling everywhere. She is pulling up and cruising. She is feeding herself table food but wants to try everything on everyone's plate. She is happy. She loves being held. She is still bald. She claps. She waves. She babbles constantly. She thinks her brother walks on water and that her daddy is perfection. She's right. And she is very skinny. At her 9 month appointment she weighed 14 pounds and 15oz. She was under the growth chart. The doctor gave me instructions to fatten her up. I think she perfect. I think she sparkles. She's everything I dreamed a daughter would be and I love her unabashedly. She develops more of a personality all the time and I can't wait to see how she turns out. We are already planning her rainbow themed first birthday party. Tear. It all goes so quickly.

At 2 and a half, Isaac is hungry. In several ways in fact. He eats all the time. His big loves are blueberries, pizza, chicken and fries, and barettos (burritos). He is hungry to learn. He want to know what things are, what you are doing, where we're going, he wants to read read read. I love that! He chooses 3 bedtime books and often chooses one of his several children's bibles. He is always quick to identify the mean guy- like Goliath or Daniel's conspirators. I want to teach him. I always pray that God is showing himself to my kids even now. I believe he'll answer that prayer. We have conversations. It is not just merely a declaration of what he wants- we talk, we exchange. Sometimes we even argue. He also has expanded his love for people. He is crazy about his grandparents, aunts/uncles/cousins, bit he also has friends at church, and his favorite babysitter, Kara, that he talks about and looks forward to seeing. He is a singer! He picks up songs quickly and then performs when he thinks there is no audience. He also has a peculiar case of what we call "pretendonitis". Whether he is playing with stuffed animals or dinosaurs they are always named after someone and there is always a conversation between the toys that ends in violence. 100% boy.

God didn't owe me children who are healthy and of strong mind. And there is no guarantee that they always will be, but in this moment, I am so grateful for the blessings on their lives. I love being their mother. And as these magic moments pass I am trying to be grateful and cram my memory full of the precious snapshots that make up the beautiful scrapbook of these years. All praise be to God. He does all things well.

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