Sunday, July 1, 2012

I'm Not Dead Yet... I Think I'll Go for a Walk..... I Feel Happy....,

I have been on an unintentional blogging hiatus.

It's summer. Life has been busy. The fun kind where you are doing things like swimming and deciding which popsicle brand to buy.

I'm still crazy in love with my kids, my ladybug and my brave little boy. They amaze me. Why people choose not to be parents, I will never understand.

My hott hubs and I celebrated our 7th married year. I still love him. I can't believe he still loves me after dealing with the craziness that is me for 7 years.

Our jobs are good.

I love our church.

It's a good season- literally and figuratively.

I will try and be "here" more often.

God is good and I still have plenty of stories to share.

So we'll talk soon, ok?

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