I seriously haven't posted since October? Wow.
My life has been a little wild since then.
In September I was put on modified bed rest, meaning that I was allowed to work three days a week and rest the rest of the time. Due to a positive fetal fibronectin test, my doctor determined that I could be at risk for pre-term labor. I just lumped it in with my high blood pressure. And gestational diabetes. And 5 months of morning sickness.
I watched the movie "What to Expect When You're Expecting" recently. One of the characters was comparing herself to one of those impossible mothers who look amazing, have tons of energy, and (gasp) actually enjoy being pregnant. This character was looking for "the glow". Instead she found sickness, gas, all the ugly pregnancy symptoms, and a less than ideal birth experience. But at the end of the movie she met her son and realized that he was her "glow". Insert hormonal post-partum tears here. And a deeper understanding than I can put into words.
That was the story of this pregnancy. Where I have vowed and vowed and whined about how I NEVER EVER want to be pregnant again. And then I met Eden, saw her face, and my resolve has weakened. Seeing a body inside the pink footy pajamas that I have purchased makes your memory of the bad stuff a little fuzzy. Smelling pink lotion on a freshly bathed newborn head makes you forget the bloating and nausea. The sweet baby grunts and giggles in her sleep make you forget the stitches and swelling and pain meds. I really thought that I was sure Eden was my last baby. Until I met here. I'm still pretty sure. But nothing makes you want more babies than having a newborn.
On to the story.....
After 2ish weeks of false labor and hard contractions every few days, Ryland and I packed up and headed for the hospital on November 21st for a scheduled induction. I was 38 weeks and three days pregnant.
We listened to Andrew Peterson on the drive. I cried as we listened to "Dancing in the Minefields" and "Planting Trees". I prayed and asked God to give us a healthy baby. And as I have every time, I told Ryland that if he had to make a life and death choice, that Eden wins. And if I die to marry someone young and firm and less high maintenance than me. And he laughed, as he has every time. And told me that I'm morbid and a little crazy, but he'll let me say what I need to say. I'm so glad he deals with my special brand of crazy. I'm so glad he's mine.
We arrived at the hospital promptly at 5:00am. The doors to the maternity ward were still locked. The orderly buzzed and said, "Can I help you?" I replied, "My name is Mindy Russell, and I'd like to have a baby today!" She laughed and told me they were expecting us. She buzzed us in.
I signed a few papers dealing with death, dismemberment, etc. And we were ushered to L&D room 6 were I made Ryland take my final preggo picture. I changed into my first hospital gown (which I dipped in the potty later) and hopped in my bed. A little before 6, my first nurse came in to ask me 1,000 questions and start my IV. It took 3 nurses and 5 attempts to start the IV. I still had bruises after 17 days. It's not the nurses' fault, I have crappy veins. It hurt A LOT, but I think it hurt the nurses' hearts too, they were very sweet.
At 6:20 my veins were full of saline and pitocin. Game on.
Shift change was at 7:00am. And I had called ahead a few weeks prior to request my friend, Giselle, to be my labor and delivery nurse. Giselle is an adorable, compassionate, encouraging, smart, bubbly little blonde. And she was such a steady,calm spirit in the delivery room that day. She was a blessing. I'm sure anyone who has the good fortune to have her in the delivery room would agree. And she is officially my closest friend now. She knows me more "intimately" than any of my other friends. Tee hee.
My doctor came in soon after, he had a surgery to perform. Since I tend to have babies pretty quickly, he didn't want to break my water until after.
As of my last ultrasound, Eden was sunny side up. Did I mention that Giselle is also a doula? She's pretty amazing. She got this peanut shaped pillow apparatus that we used to try to make Eden flip into a more favorable position for delivery.
A little after 9, my doctor came in and broke my water on the first try. This was the first doctor who was ever able to do it on the first try. My contractions intensified immediately. So I ordered my sweet sweet epidural. They kicked my hubby out of the room.
I am terrified of epidurals. They freak me out. Even though they rarely cause more than momentary discomfort, it is scary ti have someone stick something up though your spine. Giselle held my hands and helped me breathe through it.I was telling the anesthesiologist how I have complete trust in him, but the act makes me anxious. I told him I feel the same way about dentists. At this point he told me that his wife is a dentist. I told him that they were my greatest nightmare realized. He was quick and the epidural was heavenly. It makes you feel like you could nap for a hundred years. It's lovely.
My contractions continued to intensify and I progressed quickly from the 4 that I came in with to a 9. My doctor was paged at about 10:30. My doctor arrived, grandparents sat texting in the waiting room, the robot room converted and was filled with people, bright lights, and commotion. My baby had seemingly turned, things were ready to go. My rock of a husband held my hand and cheered me through the painful parts. Gosh, I love him. How do women do this alone?
I started pushing, and pushing, and pushing. My baby who had seemingly flipped, went back to her sunny side up position and made things difficult, her final act of rebellion in this long, hard pregnancy. I'm usually a "push for 10 minutes" kind of girl. But after 45 minutes of intense pushing with a super stylish oxygen mask my doctor mercifully gave me an apistiotomy and out came my baby girl. At 11:32 Eden Kenlie Russell drew her first breath. She was 6 pounds, 9 ounces and 20 and 3/4 inches long. She was my tiniest of three. She also had the most hair.
She cried, and I cried. Giselle put her on my chest and her Daddy cut the cord. My doctor sewed up my ladyhood for about 20 minutes and Ryland and I drank in our new sweet baby. She was so beautiful and healthy. More than we could have asked for. After monitoring her blood sugar for a few hours she was examined and bathed and declared perfect. She had birthmarks between her eyes, on the back of her neck, and on top of her head, the same places as Hope.
In that moment, and many times during the days and weeks that have followed, my mind went back to January 1, 2007 when we lost the first of three babies and the journey that brought us to where we are now. I don't believe that God's will is for every woman to have children. I don't think that children are always given to people who deserve them. I do not for minute think that I am deserving of the three healthy children that God gave me, no one is good enough to earn this. And my heart will forever hurt for my fellow mothers who have empty arms. But on November 21, 2013 at 11:32am we regained paradise. God gave back and restored all that we had lost. God healed what had been broken, and set things right. We named her well. Eden. A picture of the eternal, what is to come. Where all tears are dried, where death and sadness are wiped away, and where Jesus wins and is our victor. To him be the glory. May he receive the credit for Eden's life, and may she grow into a woman who glorifies Him. This closes the chapters of infertility and pregnancy for our family. We are looking forward to the joy of being a complete family, and we are so grateful to have been able to rejoice with the angels, because paradise came to us.
Welcome Eden. You are so very very loved.
1 comment:
I love you Mindy. I'm so blessed that God chose me to be your mother. You were born to be a ministry wife, an excellent teacher, and most of all, a Mother. God has demonstrated His faithfulness throughout your life, as you were my second child, the first being miscarriage as well. The heartbreak was profound, but His plan is perfect, His time is perfect, and His blessings to follow have been most wonderful! Thank you for making me a JeJe!
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