Monday, November 1, 2010

Why Do I Do It?

Why Do I Do It?

Recently I was thinking about my blog and why I do it.

I have a few followers, 10's maybe. I seriously doubt that I have 100 people read a post at any given time.

I was reading a person's blog a few years back and this person was so ego centric. They felt as if their blog was so special and unique that it literally could change everything! I don't even pretend to think that mine is interesting to anyone outside of my little circle of family and friends.

If anything I do believe it has given me a small ministry. I do sincerely try to glorify God by being honest in what I put in print. By my ministry is so different now than it was when I started this blog so many years ago.

My blog began as an outlet for me to share my infertility & adoption experiences with my family and friends. I think much harder about my written words and a blog was an easy way to share about topics that some might find it uncomfortable to ask about. God was bringing me through a hard time in my life and I felt like maybe someone out there could relate and connect to my experiences.

From there it evolved- it went from an adoption story to a surprise pregnancy story. It was a way to chronicle the miracle growing in me. Again, not exciting to strangers but a great way to share with our families who were living far away.

It evolved again to a new mommy blog where I unabashedly bragged on and showed off my first born. So cute!

Then it became a story of the Russells really becoming a family. Making hard choices, leaving for new things, and adding a little Hope into the mix.

So here I am today. Why do I do this? Why do I share intensely personal, private things?

My answer is two-fold. I can't tell an honest story if it is cleaned up, edited down, and missing pieces. Miscarriage, pregnancy, birth, and kid-raising are messy. The mess is part of the lesson and the beauty in the journey. I don't share other people's garbage without permission- my hubby & kids are fair game though. So my personal privacy is out there- judge me, love me, hate me, think less of me, be annoyed, be bored- but know I am being REAL. And by being real, and telling my story, I am telling a story authored by God. The glory, the credit, the laughs, tears, and smiles, all belong to God. He generously gave me the people and experiences in this blog. I hope that if you take anything away from my blog that you can see how crazy amazing & sweet Gods love is.

And my second reason is that I want my kids to have a record, a written love letter, of how precious and wanted they both are. Again, I want them to see in my words how Gods love, provision, and blessings were with them before they ever existed. I do this for my kids.
Regardless of who reads this- this blog is my legacy to my kids. I hope it makes them proud. And I hope they will see that God had a plan for their lives before they ever were- and He still has a plan and always will.


Emma Krueger said...

I know we didnt know each other for very long but I love keeping up with your blog and your precious family!

Christina said...

I happen to love your honesty, sweet friend!! This blogging business is really a great outlet!