This is hard to share because my emotions are still a little raw about this topic. I mentioned in my very first post how we lost my Aunt Karla the same day that we lost our third baby.
Yesterday would have been my Aunt Karla's 56th birthday. All of the firsts after losing someone are hard. I know it was especially hard for her three daughters.
I went to bed last night and she was one of the last things on my mind. During the night she visited me in my dreams. I dreamed of the "old" her. Her hair was done, her make-up was on, she was dressed in bright colors and she had her old body. She was radiant. She held my hand and we walked and talked for what seemed like hours. I don't remember much of what we said but I do remember how good it felt just to be with her again. The only thing I remember her saying was a message about her daughters that I feel is best shared with them personally.
I loved that dream. I have also dreamed of my Pa (Grandpa Corky) like this before. It is like getting to visit with an old friend for the evening. You always wake up missing them, but you know they are just on the other side of heaven. Its not far away but the journey is long for a lot of us.
I woke up and had one thought on my mind. I thought of Aunt Karla leaving us on January 31, and how I found out that I lost my baby that same day. I thought of my due date for this baby, February 4. That doesn't seem like a coincidence to me. In my mind (which is not scripture based) I think Aunt Karla got to heaven, saw my three babies instead of two and marched straight into the throne room and worked out a deal thus sending me this little one in my belly. I think it was just a cherry on top that she knew we would all be sad during that time and wanted to send some joy to us to help us all heal. Catholics believe that the saints that have gone before us intercede to the Father on our behalf. She was never canonized, but I think within our family we could all agree that she possessed a lot of saint-like qualities and I wouldn't be surprised to know that she interceded for this baby. What a great way to celebrate her first "homecoming" , with the celebration of new life. God does it like that all the time.
Please keep our family and especially my Aunt Karla's three daughters in your prayers. There are a lot of hard days still to come. But even though her body is gone, she is still with us. And as far as I am concerned, still giving gifts that are eternal.
Mindy, what a profound and loving testament to our sweet Karla...I love to remember her laugh when she was really tickled about something, I hope I never forget what it sounded like! You remember I saw her in your side profile a while sweet to almost see her face in your face!! I love you, Mom
I'm not so anonymous, that's so crazy! Jeana Harmon
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