As of Today...
My son has been with me on this planet for 81 weeks.
My daughter has been hiding in my tummy for 32 weeks and 4 days.
I have gained 28 pounds in this pregnancy.
I have been denied health insurance under my husband's group policy 3 times- but I am currently on a COBRA and keeping my old plan which is pretty good. I am okay with it all.
I have moved 2 times this summer to two different rent houses.
My house in Guthrie is STILL on the market with no lookers for several months.
I got my last EPS check last week and am nervous to see if we can really make it on a very reduced income.
I think I might have some depression and anxiety- new baby, new town, missing my old job, starting a new one, house not sold, less dollars in the bank, and on and on. Not that any of these are good reasons - I am not throwing a pity party- just keeping it real. This is more change than I have ever had at once in my whole life. I am done justifying it- I don't like it, I just don't want you to think I am batty.
As of now I have 8 pregnant friends, 2 friends dealing with miscarriages, 3 friends with new tiny babies, and 5ish friends who are battling infertility in various forms. I think of all of you often. I am praying for you and I have walked in all of your shoes. Know that God has a plan for all seasons- and all of these things are only for a time.
I got new, cute, red, glasses. I wonder how long until Isaac eats, throws, steals, mangles, cracks, or otherwise maims them in some way.
I am 52 days from my due date- whoa!
I miss teaching.
Isaac has started throwing fits. I have had to spank him more in the last 2 weeks than I have his whole life. But I see his sin nature already trying to win him. I refuse to let him grow up feeling entitled, never hearing "no", and thinking that there are no rules. It would be much easier just to let him do whatever he wants and hit and kick when he gets mad. But I love him too much. He is too wonderful for me to allow that part of him to grow and flourish. I want people to enjoy him and I want him to be able to learn to control himself.
I start my new job officially on Tuesday. My lesson plans are ready and I can't wait to sing with my preschool cuties!
I love my husband. He gets better every week as a worship leader. He is the kind of man every kid would want as a father and he lies to me and tells me that I don't look as bad and huge as I do. I am so blessed to have him.
I went to the zoo this morning. I also went to an event at our church and out to lunch. I haven't showered today... oops.
All three of my dogs are sleeping in various places in the living room. Isaac is in his bed napping. I feel guilty for saying this, but I love when my house is this quiet.
Isaac's new favorite movie is Charlotte's web. The one I watched as a kid. He asks for "Pig" when I give him the choice between pig movie, Barney, and Elmo.
I still am not unpacked. There are still tons of boxes in my house. It's been over a month. I am very "nesty" right now and this drives me nutso!
My parents take us to dinner at least once a week. I love it. Isaac loves it. And it has definitely contributed to my 28 pounds.
There are 2 churches that I love that are going thru some majorly ugly stuff right now. (Not Central!) You know who you are and I am praying for you. It breaks my heart that people will let opinion and preference destroy ministry.
All done.
Much love.
Praying for you ALL every day. I can totally relate to the moving experience. The wholesale changes are very hard to adjust to and accept. Being obedient is like knowing the destination and then trying to follow a road map that you do your best to follow except its missing clear directions on exactly how to get there and ...the why of the trip is never clear. It tests our faith constantly because it requires us to let go and let God. just hearing about the weekly dinners out with your parents rips at my heart and I fight jealousy and maybe a bit of anger if I'm honest over the fact God has kept us separated as a family and we have to plan times to even get to be together. Never mind missing my Grand children growing up as a part of my being obedient, I ask God almost daily to bring us together more so we can share the joy. We miss you guys terribly an look forward to the next time we can get together. I trust him and he has remained faithful to us. But it still remains a challenge sometimes. Remember that God has great plans to bless your family and faithful ministry.
Also...I can't wait to get to hold Hope! Another little blessing is one on the way. One more example that the dreams that we dream don't even touch the blessings that God wants to give us! Your witness and testimony are shinning examples of it.
Love you Guys! Give Isaac a big kiss from Poppy :)
Mindy, i just wanted to say, that i love you! and even though we are the same age, you have grown up to be an amazing woman, mother and wife. i can only say wonderful things about you. good luck with everything, god is good, and you will make it! Hope will be here soon!
Goodness that's a lot of change in not much time. Praying that things can settle for you three (FOUR!) pretty soon. Can't wait to meet the little lady in a few weeks!
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