Friday, September 3, 2010

Psychobilly Freak Out

This is a TMI kind of post. If you are a boy, someone who isn't comfortable with "female" things, or someone who hasn't ever given birth. This may not be the blog for you to read. I warned you fair and square.

I am officially 34 weeks 0r 8 and 1/2 months pregnant today.

That means I have 6 weeks left until I am at my due date.

This means I am 3 weeks from being considered "full term".

Well, I had a little surprise today. I HATE surprises.

I noticed that I had some light bleeding today. Not a completely normal thing for someone as pregnant as I am. So in the interest of being calm and composed I ran to the living room and yelled at Ry, "I'm bleeding, we need to GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!!!!"

His eyes got big as I explained all the nitty gritty details to him and we (he) rationally decided it would be best to call my doctor first.

I called her office and they asked a few more invasive questions. After determining that my water had not broken and I am not having regular contractions- the doctor recommended that I stay home, make sure the bleeding did not increase and try not to worry.

As soon as I got off the phone my "try not to worry" became a big house cleaning party and me reading 2 pregnancy books about late term bleeding, as well as me google-ing the survival rate as well as possible complications for babies born at 34 weeks. ( 97% survival rate, RDS is the most common complication, most have no long term ailments relating to premature birth. See, I did my homework.)

Long story short- the bleeding stopped a few hours later. I have had no more contractions than a normal day, and all seems to be fine.

I prayed many times today that above all else, God would take care of Hope. I know he will regardless of what day she comes to meet us here on the outside. I am asking though for the prayers of my friends out there in the blogosphere. Please pray that whenever Hope gets here that she is done "cooking", and can enter the world breathing and thriving on her own. Pray that this nervous freaker-outer of a mom can rest in God and his perfect plan for her arrival. And that the man married to me can reign me in and deal with all the craziness that I dish out on a daily basis- I am so lucky to have him.


Ashley said...

34 weeks is when I found out I was dilating. I was definitely ready to have the baby but pre-term is scary even if the risks are low when you're a Mom. I also had late term bleeding and my Doctor was never too concerned about it and said it was most likely just everything shifting and getting ready for labor. Glad you and baby are both ok and I hope you can make it through the next 3 weeks smoothly! :)

MoDLin said...

I certainly can relate to the "freak out mode." My grandson was born at 34 weeks. He was in the NICU for a couple of weeks until he learned how to breathe, suck, swallow. He now is 10 and doing really well.
I'm glad things calmed down and that you're still hanging in there.