Tuesday, March 22, 2011

God bringing home a son

Ryland's aunt & uncle are waiting today. Kent & Georgia Bush are waiting for a phone call. A call to get on a plane and head to Ethiopia to get their son. Their son Dawitt is just a few documents away from legally being theirs. God calls us to care for orphans and widows- Kent and Georgia have answered this call and have blessed my life and countless others with their bravery, faith, and perseverance. This is a story that I will never be able to justly tell. Please follow the link to read the story- if you feel lead I can happily point you to ways you can help raise funds- not for this adoption, but for aid & help for those orphans who haven't been given a family yet. If you only read one look at "Unable to Forget the Orphans Cries". Reality hurts, but hopefully we can be the hands & feet of God to help & heal.


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