Before you proceed:
1) I usually like to be positive, light, funny, and ironic. This post is a little on the mean and negative side. OK, a lot on the mean and negative side.
2) If you ever think about messing with my little brother I WILL DESTROY YOU. You were warned......
In my little corner of Mindyville there are certain expectations that I have. And when those expectations go unmet it can cause an emotional response from me. Not always, but sometimes.
For instance, I expect that when I turn on a faucet, water will come out. I expect that flipping a light switch will cause a dark room to be filled with light. I expect that when I pay for a job to be completed that it will be completed within the time frame and parameters that I have discussed with the helpers I have hired.
This weekend I planned to help my baby brother move from OKC to his new town of San Antonio Texas.
Here is how it went down:
1. Expectation: That ALL-STAR MOVERS (yes, I am being tacky and using the moving company name because I don't ever want anyone I love to go through an experience like my brother went through.) would show up in OKC and have the tools and materials required to complete the task.
Reality: Two men; One very kind & hard working. The other in SANDALS, very bossy, lazy, and rude- showed up to move his stuff. My family and I ended up moving much of his stuff into the truck and having to take furniture apart (ALL-STAR MOVER'S job!) because Mr. Sandals had NO tools with him.
2) Expectation 2: ALL-STAR MOVERS were supposed to drop his possessions off in San Antonio at noon the following day as stated in the contract and verbally reinforced by the movers. My parents and I had taken off of work and other commitments we were planning on unloading & unpacking yesterday and today and coming home on Monday. All plans were centered & dependent on ALL-STAR MOVERS doing what they said they would do.
Reality: After a very early morning to reach San Antonio at the time specified for drop off by ALL-STAR MOVERS, and many unsuccessful attempts to reach the movers or even a customer service representative for ALL-STAR MOVERS by phone, my baby brother received a call 2 hours after the agreed upon drop off time telling him that his possessions were somewhere in Dallas and would not be dropped off until Monday. Monday! The day all of my brother's help in this move was scheduled to leave.
This was obviously the worst news possible when you are moving 9 hours from your old home and had only packed an overnight bag because your expectation was that all you own (including the contents of your closet and your underwear!) were promised less than 24 hours later.
If you can't tell yet, ALL-STAR MOVERS are dead to me. They screwed with my baby brother, and I hate them. Yes, I have had my emotional response to my expectations not being met.
But lucky for the incompetent, rude, unprofessional, and all around disappointing hacks at ALL-STAR MOVERS, the Harmons are decent people. We restrained ourselves from assembling mail bombs and decided to make the most of our time together.
We had a lovely, perfect, San Antonio evening together eating Mexican food on the river walk and seeing the Alamo together. Even the incompetence of ALL-STAR MOVERS cannot squash the joy from my parents and brother. We are a fun group.
Today we (my parents and I) are headed home, a little sad that we were robbed by ALL-STAR MOVERS of our time, money from our jobs, and the opportunity to help my brother unpack from his new town.
My hope is that many people will search for ALL-STAR MOVERS, and their search engine will bring them to my humble little blog and they will promptly decide never ever to use this horrendous company and thusly know that their expectations if what they will be getting will sadly not be reality.
ALL STAR MOVERS blow chunks. The company is a joke, absolutely non-existent in customer service, and are not worthy to be mentioned except for the fact that we want to grind them in your mind so you will NEVER call them!!
ARTHUR, if I ever find you somewhere in the general vicinity of my person, I will hurt you, I will talk ugly to you, and I will take your ugly dentures and throw them in the toilet! JERK
Yelp them too. It's another place to post negative feedback!
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