Tuesday, May 25, 2010


The tears are on edge even as I type.

In the next 4 days:

1) I have to say goodbye to all of Isaac's babysitters, who have been with him for the majority of his life.
2) I have to say goodbye to my students, my co-workers, and my administrators, at my school where I have spent the best/worst 4 years of my life.
3) I have to say goodbye to the first home I have ever owned.

All of this on pregnancy hormones......

To my son's caretakers- Alana, Laurie, Kylee, Emily, and sometimes Darlene, Tracy, Lindsey, and Jennifer: I couldn't drag myself away everyday if I thought Isaac wasn't in the best possible hands. I am praying God's richest of blessings on your lives. I will never be able to say thank you enough for pouring love into my little boy. God has used you in a special way to make him even more perfect than he already is. I love you all- you will always hold a special place in my heart. I am so thrilled that in 4 days, my main occupation is Isaac's Mommy- I work part time, and Isaac goes to work with me. I am so grateful for this huge answer to prayer. I can't wait.

Will Rogers- My hiding place, my shelter in some big storms, my celebration hub, my support. My principal, Dr. Sheron House has been so supportive in me becoming a mommy. She is a godly woman who believes in family first. She loves her teachers, she will do anything for her students. I am so glad to call her a friend and I have loved working for her. My team past and present- these amazing woman walked next to me day to day- through three pregnancy losses, deaths in the family, doctor's appointments, morning sickness, postpartum work return, pumping pumping pumping, and so much more. These girls have taken care of me in my best and worst, encouraged me, and made me laugh! I will miss them. My students- they remind me of what being a Christian is all about. There are kids that encourage you, kids that you get to watch grow, and kids that break your heart. FERPA (blah blah blah) won't let me share much, but I am blessed that I got to be in the lives of 100ish kids for a season of their lives, I pray that I get an opportunity to someday see what becomes of them. I hope they all choose the good in life and live far beyond their potential.

My house- My first BIG adult purchase, the place where my babies were conceived, the place where I have celebrated and nursed heartbreak, Isaac's first home. More than mortar and brick- a house of memories. It's hard to leave and not take my stuff. It unsettles my hormones to go and live in a place that isn't my home yet. I know God has perfect timing for selling our home. I am trying to be patient, but honestly, not doing so well. I will miss our quiet neighborhood and the sweet memories we've made here.

Pray for me. I am a crying mess.


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