Wasn't 1998 like 3 weeks ago? Where did the scrawny little baseball player & small town cheerleader go? When did we turn into adults, let alone parents of 2?
Life over the past 12 years has had plenty of bumps & bruises, but there isn't one minute of it that I'd trade. I'm so glad that I've been lucky enough to get to do it all with you. It always seems to get sweeter.
On your worst days you are still the best husband in the universe, and I cannot imagine a better daddy than you. You are my best friend and I still get butterflies when you smile at me.
Thank you for putting up with my crazy, my irrational, my obsessive, and my fearful. Thank you for loving God and leading our family in that way. Thank you for the way you love our son- he will know what a Christlike man should be. I can't wait to see you with our baby girl, because of you she will know what it means to be treated with love & respect.
Thank you for picking me. Out of all the girls in the world I get to spend my life with you. I wish every woman could have it so good. I love you so much.
You are my favorite- it's me and you vs. the little crumb gobblers. Some day I'll have to let them go, but you- I get to keep. And that doesn't make it seem so bad.
My beautiful first born- what a wild time we've had over the last few months. Three houses, a new town, a new daycare, 2 cases of pneumonia, and an ever expanding mommy. You've handled it all so well. You never cease to amaze me.
I know that I am your momma and that automatically makes me biased, but I think you are the most funny, smart, and downright exceptional kid I have ever met. I know the chances of you growing up to cure cancer or author world peace are probably slim. But I look at you and have no doubt that God has such a special plan for you. Even now, I know that God is preparing you and I will do my best to help you find God's will and do it. And even when you disappoint me, or fail, or just plain screw up - I will always always always and forever love you.
Your life is about to change in quite a big way. You are going to be Hope's big brother. Like it or not- it will be part of your identity. This means sharing your toys, your time, and your parents. I have so much mommy guilt for disrupting your life & security with a sibling at such a young age. But as a big sister myself, there are so very sweet parts of having a younger sibling: 1) no one will ever love you like your sibling 2) they know, appreciate, and occasionally be annoyed by all your quirks 3) they understand your jokes & will "get" you like no one else 4) believe it or not, some day you will be angry with me & she'll take your side. Who knows, you may even win sometime.
Just know that no matter who comes into our family, you are always going to be my precious first son, you were a promise from God fulfilled, and you are irreplaceable.
And don't tell your sister- but you are my favorite.
I love you more than you'll ever know.
I cannot wait to meet you in week or so. I've dreamed about you- you are tiny and dark headed. I'm anxious to see your face. Are you going to look like your brother? Will you have the Russell feet, or maybe the Harmon nose? Will you be long & skinny like Isaac, or will you be a petite little princess? You will be mine & regardless of who you look like, no one will see your beauty like I do.
Regardless of the physical beauty you may have, my prayer is that you love God & that your beauty comes from your heart. Your great aunt Karla always said, "pretty is as pretty does", I hope that you "do" pretty more than look it.
You are already so different from Isaac. They way that you sit in my belly & the way you move is much more gentle. You are the second child which means more hand me downs, less undivided attention, more experienced & relaxed parents, & less attention to some detail.
You are however my first (and maybe only) daughter. I hope that we have lots in common. I'd be lying if I didn't say that I daydream of shopping trips, chick flicks, and pedicures. But if you are a tom boy, I won't be disappointed or love you any less. I want you to be
whatever kind of woman that God has planned for you. I want you to be brave, and generous, and kind.
I am so excited to be your Momma. I can't wait to hold you in my arms and welcome you to this great world and to our family. I know I am not a perfect Mom. There will be many mistakes and apologies, but I love you so much already. You are a gift from God and you are very wanted.
And don't tell your brother- but you are my favorite.
I love you more than you'll ever know.