Monday, October 4, 2010

End of the Road Reflections

End of the road reflections

My pregnancy with "Hopenstein", as her daddy has nicknamed her, is officially full term as of Friday. I cannot believe that it was 9 1/2 months ago, on Ryland's birthday that we found out that our little cupcake would be making her way into the world.

Reflecting on this makes me think back to how different our lives were at the beginning of this whole thing. Everything was different- our jobs, our finances, our plans, and our zip code just to name a few. Things felt secure and safe, no big risks, nothing to fear.

Then God called. He asked us to do some hard things. He asked us to leave the familiar for the wildly different. He asked us to leave our own financial margin in exchange for handing our finances to Him. He asked us to grow from a family of three to a party of 4. He asked Ry and me to live apart for 6 weeks. He asked us to move without selling our home.

And though there have been many tears, fears, dragging of my feet and bumps in the road, here I stand- protected, provided for, and reaping blessings that are too sweet to be missed.

So as I look back, I see God's hand in it all. I see His faithfulness and guidance, even as I doubted.
And as I look forward - I see my two children, laughter and hope, reminding me of where we are going: wherever He leads.

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