Tuesday, October 26, 2010

She- A Digital Scrapbook


She made herself known on her daddy's 26th birthday.

She made me so sick that I lost 8 pounds in my first tri-mester. Don't worry, I gained it back.

She was nicknamed "cupcake" by my third graders.

She was gestating during the biggest transitional time of my life. Changing homes, churches, towns, and careers.
She is my second born, and first daughter.

She made me cry on ultrasound day. I kept saying how much I'd love another son, but I wanted a daughter so badly.

She was named "Hope" because my hope at one time was to be able to have children at all, having 2 has been icing on the cake. It was also my one word resolution for 2010.

She was given the middle name "Angeline" after my grandpa Corky's mother, Mahalia (Haley) Angeline Harmon. Haley was the spiritual leader in her family, she didn't make huge contributions in education or philosophy, but has a legacy of a woman of faith. Although I never met my "Mammie" I am proud that my daughter carries her name and hopefully the same great faith of her forerunner. Angeline also means "messenger of God" which has already proved true for her mama.

She made me worry that I couldn't love another child as much as I love Isaac. I have since had a grinch moment where my heart grew three sizes. No love was lost- only multiplied.

She has 4 great grandmas, 2 great grandpas, and all of her grandparents. I pray she has many many years with all of them.

She was born at 39 weeks and 5 days gestation.

She was born on Tuesday, October 12, at 1:08pm, after 6 short hours of labor.

She weighed 7lbs 1oz and was 21 inches long. Her APGAR was 9.9.

She didn't have a cone head like her brother.

She has a small stork bite on her neck, forehead & left eyelid.

She wrapped her daddy around her finger in the delivery room, she held on to his finger while the nurse cleaned, weighed & measured her.

She has lots of fuzz on her back. I may have to teach her to wax someday.

She is a good little sleeper- she wakes in the night only to eat & snuggle.

She looks just like her brother.

She makes me love God, Isaac, and Ryland even more.

She is an answer to prayer.

She is beautiful & innocent, the picture of sweetness.

She is the daughter I wished for & prayed for.

She is mine.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Congrats, cousin! She is perfect in every single way! Can't wait to meet her!!!