Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Baby Alliance

I just have to say- I'm in love with this picture. The initial adorableness of an uncle and his baby niece is heartwarming. There is my baby with my baby brother. They adore each other. They get each other-both a little spoiled, naughty, mouthy, and hilarious.

Then I look more closely at their expressions I see that this is not just familial love. This is a conspiratory, knowing look, and it makes me nervous. They are plotting against me. In my mind this is the conversation taking place:

HOPE: "Uncle Lane, what can we do to drive mom crazy?"
LANE: "It won't be hard as uptight and frigid as she is."
HOPE: "I know. That woman is a hot mess."
LANE: "Okay kid, you're in a nice dress, can you manage a blow out diaper?"
HOPE: "Definitely. I'll make sure it gets all the way into my tights. That makes her say bad words. You should act like you have a girlfriend and then tell her NOTHING. She hates that.
LANE: "Good idea. Your a smart kid. Most second born kids are."
HOPE: "I agree completely. My mom is wrong. You are not the spawn of satan."
LANE: "Wanna learn some cuss words?"

I kinda love these two. In spite of the fictional alliance they have formed against me.

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