Sunday, February 19, 2012

Rearview Mirror

I found this in my draft box. I can't believe A) how tiny my baby boy was, B) how long ago this was, C) how it seems like last week. Please enjoy these old but bittersweet goodies.

Easter 2010- we were suposed to celebrate with family, but Isaac ran a fever and kept us home. Little punk chooses very inconvenient times to get sick. It's a good thing he's a snuggly sick kid.

Zoo trip with the Gardner girls, pre-Jantzen. I love the look of terror on Isaac's face.

After 11 months he finally got teeth, he loved to brush!

Happy 1st birthday, monkey! My how you've grown.

A few hours after this party I found out I was pregnant with Hope. We opened a new chapter of our lives this sweet day.

Nothing like a few old pictures to make this nostalgic momma weepy.

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