Monday, February 27, 2012

Christmas Take 2

I have tried twice to post these pictures. I have tried twice to blog our magical Christmas experiences. I had this post completely finished, scheduled to post, edited, etc. And it did post, but it was empty, the whole thing eaten by some internet monster. I was T.O.'d. Now it is almost March and I am going to hum "Jingle Bells" and try to muster up nostalgic holiday feelings so I can caption these as beautifully as I did the first time.

Tunia: Holiday Fashion

 Unwrapping a smile.

 Deck the halls.

 Momma's favorite- a Christmas tutu!

 Elmo pj's from Mimi.

Chritsmas Eve Couture.

A Visit to the Man in Red

We went to Bass Pro Shop to visit Santa this year. This was Isaac's first experience with the big guy. The only gift he consistently asked for was a Dragon Happy Napper.

 Waiting in line.

Tunia is happy here. But five minutes after this photo I handed her to Santa where she screamed her guts out. We have a great photo of it, but alas, it is packed away. It's an actual picture- not digital. I'll apologize to her in the form of paying her therapy bills for her irrational fear of red velvet.

Polar Express Party- GCK

Have I ever mentioned that I love my job? Our pre-school had a Polar Express Party as one of several celebrations of the season.

At this party our assistant director thought it would be fun to use packaging popcorn as snow. After this the assistant direction was tar-and-feathered. Just kidding, she was just fired. Just kidding again, she was chastised in good fun.

The kids voted her as queen of the universe. They loved every minute.

Isaac had a grumpy minute. I sympathy grumped.

This is his buddy, M.

His other little buddy, A, was having a moment.

These kiddos had a Polar Express Parade, and marched through the church office ringing their bells.

The Christmas Train

We went to Dry Gulch USA to ride the Christmas Train. Of all our Christmas outings, this was the one that Isaac talked about the most. He loved it! You take a train ride where you get a kid friendly, reader's digest, pictoral version of the Bible. I am looking forward to taking the kids back when they are a little older and we can discuss what they see.

Isaac with his boarding pass.

Tunia and Daddy, ready to ride.

I had stomach flu the day before, but I was NOT going to miss. I'm glad I sucked it up and went.

They may have been a little nervous about this one...


Our Christmas plans change from year to year. But we have decided that our "thing" that we will keep just for us, is the stockings. This year we did them before any family arrived. Even though it was mostly dollar store goodies, the kids loved it. And it was great to get to watch them enjoy their gifts in a non-rushed environment.

Bubba is ready to dig in.

Sissy loves it!

So many fun treasures.

The loot.


We tried this:
It didn't work. I hope his college room mate will be cool with changing his diapers.

Russell/Gardner Christmas

Mimi, Poppy, and the Gardner cousins came over to our house on the 23rd for what I hope will be an annual holiday get-together.

Gram Rosie went on a cruise (the nerve!) and sent her gifts to the great grands.

Joia gave Hopey a ride on her new princess scooter.

Digging in.

"The Grinch" was Isaac's favorite holiday movie this year. So naturally we had to have this shirt!

Hope's biggest cousin giving her princess couch training.

"Why can't my grandkids just smile for ONE picture!?!?  Everyone else gets cute pictures of all their grandkids!"- Mimi Cyndi

At least Jaisa was smiling.

Candlelight Christmas Eve

Our church has an annual Christmas ever service. We sing Christmas carols by candelight and reflect on the birth of our savior. This year we were joined by Mimi and Poppy. Mimi joined Ryland onstage at the piano, and Poppy held Petunia who was bribed to sit still with a sucker.
Poppy and Petunia.

Isaac and "My" Kara onstage listening to the message.

Later we went to Dewey for dinner at Aunt Judy's and gifts at Jeje and Pawpa's house.

Jeje and Uncle Lane.

So sweet.

Feeding the Reindeer

At my Grandma Bonnie's house, the little kiddos have began feeding the reindeer a bag of glitter and oats in recent years- oats to eat and glitter to reflect the moon and help them see where to land.
Daddy and Isaac pouring out the feed.

Christmas Morning

This was the first year EVER in the history of my life that I spent Christmas morning in my own house. It was glorious. Waking up, being home, having a big yummy breakfast. Lovely.

Isaac got Buddy the T-rex from dinosaur train.

Hope got purple fairy princess things.

She also got a sing-a-ma-jig that Pawpa enjoyed too.

Somehow I won the Christmas morning lottery and I got ALL the kid's grandparents. I get teary thinking about it because it was so precious and I doubt it will ever happen again. I loved every minute.
Having a yuletide cinnamon roll.

Such a happy boy! Fueling up for more presents.

Grannie B's

Great Aunt Glenda and Chris helped Isaac open his gift.

This is the last Christmas we will spend in Grandma's home of over 30 years. There are a million images in my mind like this one. All precious. All greatly treasured. All will be very missed.

The kids and I made all the Grandmas and Great Grandmas a hand painted calendar. Isaac delivered Grannie B's to her and identified EVERY picture to her.

Chickasha All the Way!

Our last scheduled stop was at Angie's house in Ry's hometown of Chickasha. The Gardner girls and Isaac decided to sing and dance for us.

So painfully shy.

They dressed Isaac like this. He liked it for approximately 10 nanoseconds.

Isaac decided HE needed a solo. Again, so shy. Not.

His adoring fans.

Even Hope was bitten with the performance bug.

When his cousins did this to him, we knew we needed to call it a day.

We retired to our hotel, only to wake up in the night with a very sick Hopey. I took her to the ER with a high fever and a respiratory infection. And hopefully we will have the ER bill paid off by next Christmas.
Yes, we were sad to see Christmas go, but we know it will be back before we know it.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Such cute pics of your kiddos. Hope is quite the fashionista in all of her Christmas garb! Love it!