Monday, February 13, 2012

Pre-School Music Poll

I am a pre-school music teacher.

I teach everything from traditional Sunday school songs, to books of the Bible, to holiday songs, to counting and phonics songs. I try and make it a spiritual and learning experience. I take it seriously. If I can aid in kindergarten prep or more importantly spiritual development then I have done my job.

I was just wondering, what do all you "cooler than me" moms out there listen to with your kids? What are your favorites?

I feel as if I have a lot of music to offer my over 100 pre-schoolers, but I don't always feel I have the best quality? Do you have a secret, cool, age appropriate music suggestion that could aid in learning, fun, silliness, motor skills, or spiritual development?

Do share.

There are 100 kids waiting for your answer. No pressure.

Tell me yours and I promise to share mine later.


The Morrows said...

I have been looking for some Preschool Church Songs for my girls to listen to while traveling in the car. My friend that leads childrens choir at her church suggested Hillsong's Childrens album. I have the precious moments sunday school songs cd since that was all walmart had but my toddlers like it. I think Lifeway and Amazon have a great selection.
Just found your blog. I'm following :)

mindy said...

Thank you! I like the Veggie Tales Sunday School Songs, and most things by Cedarmont Kids are great. For pure silliness I love Laurie Berkner & an album called Songs for Wigglworms.

bsjones7 said...

We like slugs and bugs at our house! It's by andrew Peterson and Randall goodgame. It's a good fun mix of completely silly songs and spiritual songs that have actually brought up several questions from Caleb (4 years old)!