Friday, February 10, 2012

Tubular Well Check Combo

After a month long ear infection and two rounds of antibiotics for Tunia, we were referred to a ENT (ear-nose-throat) doctor today. She was running another fever and feeling crummy. It makes me sad.

We will no doubt discuss such gut wrenching topics as tubes and adenoids, and will most likely come to the concensus to "tube" her ears and allow her ears to drain correctly and remain infection free.

My baby guy had tubes at nine months, and although the surgery was uneventful and healing came quickly and easily, it is never easy on this momma's heart to send my kids under the knife.

As we sat in the doctor's office today, Hope screamed. A lot. Anytime someone in scrubs came near she cried and buried her head in my chest. Isaac sweetly came to her and said, "It's okay sissy. Don't cry. Dr. Boyd's your friend". Such a good brother.

Isaac had his three year well check today. He weighed 28lbs, 15th percentile, and was 36 inches tall, 20th percentile. He met all of his developmental milestones, except for a weird thing she wanted him to do with his thumbs.

As stressful as it will be to deal with a 15 minute, very expensive on our budget, surgery. I am so so so so sooooo thankful that our main health concern is an ear infection. God has been so good to bless my kids with good health. May I never take it for granted.

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