Monday, February 27, 2012

Tiny Gowns, Bad Breath, and Tears

In a five day period both of my babies have had tubes put in their ears and adenoids removed.

Needless to say, this has been a stressful experience for our little family. But my sweet kiddos have been fighting constant ear infections since November, so I think we are all ready for the relief we are hoping to get from these surgeries.

As you can see from Hopey's downcast countenance, she was not very excited to have the surgery performed. She only sat on her little bed for a minute, clutching her blankie and her pony happy napper, before retreating to my lap until they took her to the surgical suite. That was fine with me- I was nervous too.

 I had my mommy poker face on until I had to put her in a teeny tiny tiger hospital gown. She looked pitiful. But then they gave her versid and she turned into a little affectionate, giggly, drunken, sorority girl. She laughed, hugged, snuggled and was much more at ease. She didn't even cry as they wheeled her away.

She woke up crying in recovery, but quickly settled down. We came home and rested the day away, and in a mere 12 hours Hope was her regular, wild, happy self.

5 days later, we checked in to the surgical center again with my boy. My big boy, who never ceases to amaze me.
He was excited! We had talked up the experience so that he would know what to expect and be less anxious. We told him that he would get to see his new friend, Dr. Nelson, he would get to take a ride on a bed with wheels, and he would get to drink goofy juice medicine that would make him feel silly. Highlight the positives, people!

He was such a big boy. He loved his tiger gown. So much so that he threw a fit in recovery, wanting to take it home. He woke up a little confused and crying, but again, calmed quickly, and we went home.

And for today, and the coming week, we will give antibiotics, ear drops, brush stinky post-adenoid mouths, and lord-willing cry no more tears over painful ear infections.

And if you are looking for an ENT, I HIGHLY recommend the doctors at Eastern Oklahoma ENT. We used Doctors Brownlee and Nelson. They were both fantastic.

1 comment:

Ashlee Osborn said...

Oh, boy, what a week you've had! So glad that they did okay. What troopers all of you are!