Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Secret Shame

Dear world,

I love Sonic hotdogs.

I'm pretty sure it's unhealthy, sinful, and generally gross.

And also the reason I'll never be a size 6 again.

If I think about it too much it makes me depressed.

When I get depressed I get hungry. For hotdogs.

It's a vicious cycle, I know.

Goodbye forever.

If you need me I'll be under a bridge, eating my shame, but it will look like a hot dog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Chicago Dog (I capitalized it, because it deserves to be a proper noun)is the holy grail of Sonic hotdogs. Look at the toasted crack on the outside of it . . and the way the little hot pepper shoots out when you bite into it. I gotta go. - Debra