Saturday, February 18, 2012

Time Capsule

Here is a conversation that happened circa 1998 that I now find humorous:

MY DAD: Mindy, where are you going?
16 YEAR OLD ME: I'm going to pick up Charity, we're going to drag main.
MY DAD: Oh no you're not. You need to find something better to do than drive all the gas out of our cars when gas is $1.85 a gallon. (Muttering under his breath as he ruins my social life...)


(bows, applause, lights, curtains)

As I pumped gas into my car at $3.19 a gallon today I remembered this conversation. I'm sure in (sob) 15 years when Isaac is driving I will say something similar. When gas is $6.00 a gallon. Or maybe we'll have the flying robot cars that run on marshmallows that the world has been teasing me with since 4th grade. We shall see.

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